Friday, March 1, 2013

This picture is very significant and sort of disturbing at the same time. I believe this is the perfect model showing how the image of overweight children has changed. In Willy Wonka, Agustus Gloop is portrayed in both versions of the movie as an overweight boy who loves to eat all kinds of chocolate and candy. These two images are shocking to look at because in only eight years, this is the new way overweight kids are portrayed. Will the results improve or will they get even worse in the future?


  1. After seeing both movies I never put two and two together! I agree that the difference between the two characters is shocking and sort of disturbing. I feel this image definitely portrays today's society versus society when the first movie came out.

  2. Putting those two pictures side by side really shows how society's view of childhood obesity has changed and how drastic the change has become. I never really noticed how the same character was portrayed so differently in appearance. it definitely is an eye opener.

  3. This image definitely throws me off a bit. Obesity is prevalent today and in this picture it seems as though we are embracing it. We live in such a society where there is no happy medium to what a healthy body should look like. We are only exposed to the drastics...for example anorexics and bulimics to overweight and obese. It disturbs me and makes it hard for me to believe that this is what our society has come to be.

  4. Wow! I've seen this picture before, but each time it makes me think about how much our view of obesity has changed over the years. The boy in the 1971 picture actually looks pretty similar to what we consider to be normal weight for a boy that age, yet in the 1970s that character just stuffed his face with candy all the time and was considered to be fat. It makes me wonder if people that were as big as the kid on the right existed in the 70s. We see people like that all the time today and it's become something normal to see somebody who's obese, like that picture. But they obviously must have not seen people like that a lot back then, if their view obesity was the picture on the left. Very interesting!

  5. It's crazy to think that both of those pictures portray the same character! The picture on the right is interesting to interpret an obese child with the chocolate on his face; compared to the picture on the left where you couldn't really tell at all that he is supposed to be obese. They probably made a drastic change in the size of the character for a reason, so society should take that into consideration.
